Thursday, December 17, 2009

NetWeaver Installation Part I

1. How to make sap autostart with the OS restart after the Upgrade?

A. /usr/sap/sapservices - after the upgrade execute cd $DIR_PUT/bin/ execute ./

2. What are the port numbers used by the NIM daemon?

A. 3901 and 3902 hence 01 and 02 should NOT be used for SAP instance numbers.

3. Can I install SAP on NFS mounted filesystems under AIX?

A. No, there might be problems when JVM is started.

4. What is heterogeneous installation of SAP?

A. Installing an SAP system with instances running on different operating systems.

We need to download from the marketplace and extract it to the installation directory to update the control.xml. Since, this avoids "sapcontrol not found dir DIR_EXECUTABLE and DIR_CT_RUN" error.

5. Why do we disable VM Container in PI systems?

A. To reduce memory consumption. Long GC runtimes in the AS JAVA of the NetWeaver PI cause shutdown of the server nodes.

6. Why do we set ulimits (soft limits) before the installation?

A. SAP Note: 323816

7. After the PI 7.11 installation PISUPER is lack of which role?

A. SAP_NWA_FULL. Manually assign it.

8. What is an SMD agent?

A. This is a standalone Java program that runs on each of the systems managed by SAP solution manager diagnostics. The installation of the diagnostics agent is a part of the Installation Master DVD. This gets installed automatically with the Primary Application server and Additional application server. Or we do have an option to installation separately for non-SAP systems.

9. What is a SAP Host Control Agent?


10. How to update the Preequisite checker with the lastest conditions?

A. Download the latest version of SAR file PREREQUISITE_CHECK_DATA_700.SAR from the marketplace and extract the files to /IM_AIX_PPC64/COMMON/INSTALL

11. What SAP Guides are used for Installation?

A. Master Guide, Technical Infrastructure Guide, Media Guide, Specific Notes.

12. What is the difference between Standard, Distributed, and High-Availability system installation types?


Standard - PAS, DB, and SCS run on single host

Distribute - PAS, DB and SCS run on different hosts

HA - PAS, DB, ASCS, SCS each run on separate host

Both ASCS and SCS run in a switchover cluster infrastructure. ASCS and SCS must have their own Enque replication server (ERS) instance.

13. What is the need of standalone host agent?


14. Examples for possible distributed and HA system installations


15. Describe about Standalone Host Agent.

A. Using the host agent you can centrally monitor any host with the Alert Monitor or the NWA or ACC. The host agent is used by the ACC for starting, stopping and relocating SAP instances and databases.

The host agent is automatically installed during the installation of NW components. You may need to install a standalone host agent in case

1. If you want to manage a host that does not have an SAP instance or component

2. If you have upgraded your SAP system to NW7.1 or higher and want the instances of the upgraded system to be managed by the ACC

The host agents contain

1. The control program saphostexex

2. The SAP NW Management agent SAPHostControl (sapstartsrv)

3. The sapacosprep executable of the Adaptive Computing Infrastructure

4. The operating system collector saposcol

The installed programs are automatically started when the host is booted.

The automatic start is ensured by the startup script sapinit that start the required executables.

16. Where can you find the result of the Prerequisite check phase in the SAPInst?

A. Check the results in the file prerquisites_checker_results.html under the installation directory.

17. How to run a test for High-capacity tape drive?

A. tar -cvf /dev/ where is rmt0.

18. How to display the available disks on AIX?

A. lspv and lspv -p for freespace

19. How to display the RAM size on AIX?

A. lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem

20. How to check the C++ runtime levels on AIX?

A. lslpp -L xlC.aix50.rte and lslpp -L xlC.rte

21. How to check the OS version on AIX?

A. lslpp -l bos.rte

22. How to ML and TL levels on AIX?

A. oslevel -r or oslevel -s

23. Describe about AIO need under AIX?

A. If the database is installed using the filesystems, the settings for AIO should be maxservers = minservers = 1.2 X number of datafiles used for the Oracle

Having more number of maxservers for AIO will cause problems, the reason is the surplus AIO processes are charged against the database system rather than root and have a lower scheduling priority. All processes become active very quickly and once active, the AIO servers are never stopped.

24. What is the check condition for max processes per user (maxprocs) on AIX?

A. max processes per user > max aio servers + all other process of the ora user. Increase maxprocs to 4096 (or any high value).

25. How do you adjust minperm and maxperm parameters on AIX?

A. SAPNote: 973227

26. What library will be used for LDAP on AIX?

A. libldap.a

27. How to check the fileset consistency on AIX?

A. lppchk -v

28. How to do a printer check on AIX?

A. lp -d and check the spool with the command lpstat -t

29. Which XML file contains space requirements for SAP system installation?


30. What is the X11, Perl, NLS, saplocales, fonts, codepages, NFS installation necessary prior to the start of the SAP installation?


If the application servers are installed decentralized, NFS must be installed.

fonts and code pages should be pre-installed.

X11 is needed for Oracle database software installation with runInstaller.

Perl should be installed for applying Oracle interim patches

31. When do we install ABAP Central Services?

A. Only if you perform a high-availability installation.

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