Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cluster table diagnosis using R3check utility

Use this utility to check whether a cluster table contains incorrect cluster records.
 If a termination occurs when you process a cluster table in productive operation, you can find information about the cluster table in which the problems occur in the corresponding system log and short dumps.
Execute the program R3 check for the diagnosis, which generates an output line with the key of the affected record for every defective cluster record. Create a control file for this on operating system level with the following contents.
export file='/deve/null' dumping=yes client=CLIENTID
select * from log.clustertable

and start the check as adm user
R3check controlfile > outputfile

The lines in the output have the following structure:
phys. cluster table:  key1*key2*key3... (error number)
To check a physical cluster table, call R3check for a logical cluster table which belongs to the corresponding physical cluster table.

If after consulting the SAP Hotline on how to proceed in dealing with the error, you need to export the data belonging to a certain cluster key, generate an additional control file using the following contents:
export file='datafile' client=nnn
select * from phys. cluster table where KEY1 = key1 and KEY2 = key2
and ...
and start the export as adm user
R3trans  controlfile
data file for the name of the data file, into which the exported data is to be written.

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