In this article we reviewed the available Telnet commands related to the SAP JMS Provider.
how you can use these commands in combination to investigate a particular problem or just to
monitor the runtime status of the JMS Provider.
Telnet Commands Related to the SAP JMS Provider
The SAP JMS Provider service provides Telnet commands for administering and monitoring the JMS
resources in a server. To use these commands, you have to connect to the AS Java using Telnet and enable
the JMS commands group with add jms. To show the help information about the available commands
under the jms group, you can type one of the following at the Telnet command prompt:
jms –h
jms -?
man jms
There are several subgroups of JMS Telnet commands:
jms_list – this command provides details about the JMS runtime environment
list_temp_destinations – this one displays all currently active temporary destinations.
Example Scenario
All JMS-related Telnet commands give you the possibility to monitor the runtime state of the SAP JMS
Provider. To illustrate the usage of the described Telnet commands, let us consider one simple scenario.
Imagine we just discovered that some persistent messages are not delivered to our application and we want
to investigate what might have happened with them. For the purposes of this example, we will use the
sapDemoQueue destination and the default JMS Virtual Provider.
The following procedure describes one possible path of investigation and the respective sequence of
telnet to the java server
telnet localhost 50008
Administrator / password
command >> jms add
jms_list msg <> default
This command lists all messages sent to the <> destination that are present in the databae. If there are no messages in this list, we know that there are currently no messages pending for delivery either no messages have been produced, or all that have been produced have already been consumed and acknowledged. We can try to determine which producer was supposed to send them.
jms_list producers default
This command lists all producers registered to destinations belonging to the default JMS virtual provider. Note that this is the same virtual provider to which our destination belongs. From this list we can determine the producer ID, the destination to which the producer sends messages, its session ID and client ID. By the client ID, we can later on find out the consumer that is supposed to receive the messages. In this case, we look for producers registered that is supposed to receive the messages. In this case, we look for producers registered to the <> destination. This is a way to determine if there is a currently active producer registered to our destination.
If there are messages pending to be delivered, then we have to continue our investigation with consumers that are expected to receive them. We can check the status of the JMS connection - how many bytes have been sent and received through it and when it was last accessed.
jms_list connections default
We use the client ID to check if there are any active connections and when for the last time was particular connection accessed. The JMS Virtual prodiver again has to be the same.
Note: If you want to find the corresponding connection to your consumer, you need the connection with client ID that is equal to the one of the already found consumer.
We can also check the status of the consumer registered to the <> destination.
jms_list consumers default
This command lists all currently active consumers registered to destinations belonging to the default JMS virtual provider. From this list we can determine the consumer ID, the destination to which the consumer is registered, the session ID and the client ID. If there is no consumer registered to <> then we know that our application does not receive messages because it failed for some reason to create the respective consumer and we can continue the investigation in this direction, for example by checking the server traces for relevant exceptions.
If there is an active consumer but it still does not receive any of the pending messages, it is possible that there is an issue in the application message processing logic which causes the messages to be redelivered again and again. By default, message delivery attempts are limited and once they are exhausted for a particular message, it is considered undeliverable (dead) and it is skipped by the consumer and moved to configured error destination of the original destination. To determine the error destination of the <> destination, we have to use the configuration edition. In the Display configuration tab, expand Configurations -> jms_provider -> default -> queues -> <> -> Propertysheet data. In the Property Sheet you can find the error destination of a particular destination. In our case, the error destination of <> is sapDefaultErrorQueue.
Then, we can check if there are any messages in the error destination.
jms_list msg sapDefaultErrorQueue default
With this command we can check if the missing messages are present in the error destination.
If our application is unable to consume some of the messages, we have to check why and then we may want to do something with the undelivered messages. Since error destinations are just ordinary JMS destinations, you can access dead messages using the standard JMS API - for example, your application (or a dedicated tool) can consumer and process the messages from the error destination - it can even return them back to the original destination, if that is the error handling login of the application.
Note that we can configure the following properties on the jms-resources.xml related to the dead messages functionality.
a. deliveryAttemptsLimited - a Boolean property that indicates whether the message delivery
attempts are limited. The default value is "true".
b. maxDeliveryAttempts - an Integer property that indicates the maximum number of delivery
attempts before the message is considered undeliverable (dead). The default value is 5.
c. deliveryDelayInterval - the delay in milliseconds between two consecutive message delivery
attempts. The default value of this property is 2000 milliseconds.
d. errorDestination - the name of a JMS Queue where dead messages will be forwarded. If you
leave this property blank (“”), this means that you want dead messages to be discarded.
These four properties are configurable per JMS destination.
Note: The default error destination has an empty string for the errorDestination property, otherwise, when a message becomes dead in its original destination and then it also becomes dead in the error destination, this may lead to several transfers of this message through error destinations and potentially this may even lead to a message delivery endless loop.
Note: The value of the errorDestination property must be the name of an already existing Queue.
This command lists all messages sent to the
jms_list producers default
This command lists all producers registered to destinations belonging to the default JMS virtual provider. Note that this is the same virtual provider to which our destination belongs. From this list we can determine the producer ID, the destination to which the producer sends messages, its session ID and client ID. By the client ID, we can later on find out the consumer that is supposed to receive the messages. In this case, we look for producers registered that is supposed to receive the messages. In this case, we look for producers registered to the
If there are messages pending to be delivered, then we have to continue our investigation with consumers that are expected to receive them. We can check the status of the JMS connection - how many bytes have been sent and received through it and when it was last accessed.
jms_list connections default
We use the client ID to check if there are any active connections and when for the last time was particular connection accessed. The JMS Virtual prodiver again has to be the same.
Note: If you want to find the corresponding connection to your consumer, you need the connection with client ID that is equal to the one of the already found consumer.
We can also check the status of the consumer registered to the
jms_list consumers default
This command lists all currently active consumers registered to destinations belonging to the default JMS virtual provider. From this list we can determine the consumer ID, the destination to which the consumer is registered, the session ID and the client ID. If there is no consumer registered to
If there is an active consumer but it still does not receive any of the pending messages, it is possible that there is an issue in the application message processing logic which causes the messages to be redelivered again and again. By default, message delivery attempts are limited and once they are exhausted for a particular message, it is considered undeliverable (dead) and it is skipped by the consumer and moved to configured error destination of the original destination. To determine the error destination of the
Then, we can check if there are any messages in the error destination.
jms_list msg sapDefaultErrorQueue default
With this command we can check if the missing messages are present in the error destination.
If our application is unable to consume some of the messages, we have to check why and then we may want to do something with the undelivered messages. Since error destinations are just ordinary JMS destinations, you can access dead messages using the standard JMS API - for example, your application (or a dedicated tool) can consumer and process the messages from the error destination - it can even return them back to the original destination, if that is the error handling login of the application.
Note that we can configure the following properties on the jms-resources.xml related to the dead messages functionality.
a. deliveryAttemptsLimited - a Boolean property that indicates whether the message delivery
attempts are limited. The default value is "true".
b. maxDeliveryAttempts - an Integer property that indicates the maximum number of delivery
attempts before the message is considered undeliverable (dead). The default value is 5.
c. deliveryDelayInterval - the delay in milliseconds between two consecutive message delivery
attempts. The default value of this property is 2000 milliseconds.
d. errorDestination - the name of a JMS Queue where dead messages will be forwarded. If you
leave this property blank (“”), this means that you want dead messages to be discarded.
These four properties are configurable per JMS destination.
Note: The default error destination has an empty string for the errorDestination property, otherwise, when a message becomes dead in its original destination and then it also becomes dead in the error destination, this may lead to several transfers of this message through error destinations and potentially this may even lead to a message delivery endless loop.
Note: The value of the errorDestination property must be the name of an already existing Queue.
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